Bridle fittingYour custom bridle fitting experience starts with a consultation about your horse and his needs. We then select a bridle for your him on site from our multi brand collection based on your horse's unique anatomy, and his comfort preferences. Lastly, you'll get to feel the difference for yourself with a test ride prior to purchase.
We regularly stock several anatomical shaped noseband styles that have proven to improve a variety of evasions, as well as traditional hanovarian style cavesons, traditional hunter bridles, western, and a small selection of bitless. We also offer couture bridles by Halter Ego which take matchy matchy to a whole new level, and elevate your style. Bit FittingBit fittings start with a consultation to discuss what ridden challenges you may be experiencing, and align on a goal for the session. Your horse will have an oral evaluation including visual and tactile evaluation of anatomy and reactivity to contact in different areas noted. They will be measured for a bit, and start in a compatible bit for test riding. During the test ride, we will swap through as many bits as you would like (dismounting to change out for safety) so as to accomplish our goal of improved harmony.
Its important to let us know at the start of your fitting of any competition limitations in bitting options we need to be avoiding so we can try to edit those from the selection process. While we try to stay the most up to date for each discipline, it is ultimately up to the rider to make final determination as to the legality of the bit they wish to purchase for their chosen discipline. For our bit fittings we offer bits by Fager and Winderen. We have found that these two brands are the leaders in bit innovation and between them have solutions to even the most challenging mouths. Very rarely do we leave a bit fitting session without a clear resolution to a horse's unique challenges. Fager bits are most often in stock and available for immediate purchase. Winderen bits come from Poland and we place an order on the 1st of each month, which arrives to customers by the 15th typically. |